Friday, October 11, 2013

New printing kiosks will cut waste

Coming soon – New green initiatives:
Germanna Community College will deploy printing kiosks at its campuses and centers, providing students with convenient access while generating less waste.
 Students will be able to print what they need, when they need it and where they need it. 
Printing charges will be eight cents per page for black and white and 40 cents per page for color. Beginning January 2014, students will have $2 loaded to their accounts each semester, providing 25 free pages of printing. Students may load additional funds to their accounts as needed. 
Watch for location information and additional details in the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

That SUCKS! one more fee, and you offer $2.00 for an entire semester as if you're doing us a favor... wow Germanna how generous SMH, Whoever comes up with these clever ideas clearly doesn't have the interests of the students in mind.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment ahead of me...I don't like this idea

Anonymous said...

Being a nursing student, it requires us to print out a massive amount of powerpoints or study materials to survive. This will be costing me a fortune alone in paper..

Anonymous said...

This is a win win situation..................FOR GERMANNA - I'm dissapointed

Different said...

Germanna is not only saving money, they are making money. That helps the Colleges budget but hurts the students pockets and it will also be a real inconvenience. I don't like the idea of this. I am aware that most of the colleges do this but just because other colleges do it doesn't mean Germanna has to. Its little things like this that make a big difference. Perhaps they'll start charging us for parking next.

Anonymous said...

how is this going to help students.

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

The information you provides is really very much useful for me so please be up to date. Printing

Anonymous said...

I think this is ridiculous, because some people like me do not take advantage of printing. However when I do need to print, I don't think it's right to charge, so why not have all the students obtain a library card and with that your student I.D. is connected so if you use the printing feature obsessively, then the student will be charged and will not be able to check out or use the library, Scan everyone's card that enters the library so that you will know who needs to pay and who doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Make student I.D cards MANDATORY and scan them for printing, and entering the library, since there are some people printing that aren't even students. If you print excessively, then you should be charged, unless you have a reason to print alot like the nursing students.

Anonymous said...

Not clear why you feel entitled to free printing at taxpayer expense.