Thursday, February 18, 2010

Former firefighter who was disabled as he responded to Sept. 11 attack on Pentagon wins scholarship

Greg Foley, at left, is pictured with VCCS Chancellor Dr. Glenn DuBois, delegates Ed Scott and Bobby Orrock, and his daughters.

Germanna student Greg Foley, a first responder after the Sept. 11 attack on Pentagon, was one of two recipients of the new $3,000 Virginia Education Wizard Scholarships Wednesday night. A firefighter injured during the response and now retired, Foley is enrolled in his second semester at GCC, where he has a 4.0 grade-point average. With a fixed disability income, Foley plans to complete his associate degree before continuing his education at a Virginia university, with a long-term goal of earning a doctorate in psychology. “Being able to continue with my education is not just important for myself,” the single father of two said. “Being a good example to my young daughters, getting their ‘help’ with my school work and having them share in my success are wonderful things.”

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